Monday, November 21, 2011

Relationship Talk- Worries

Hi bloggies,

For those of you that are in a relationship for over 6 to 8 months at least...  I was wondering, have you all started to experience that 'over the honeymoon' stage??  You know.. the times when the real life issues are there and it starts to make you ponder on whether or not you two as a couple can make it through.. that oh soo famous '1st' bump in the road(s).. Eventhough you have a good relationship you see the potential in!

Well... what do you do... or what would Jesus do..LOL???

If you a seriously committed, of course you are going to try your hardest to give it 100% at every cost but at what point is that not enough.... or even too much, depending on the situations that arise!  Yes you must communicate with one another and expressing your feelings whether good or bad and working on any little/big kinks but when the time comes when it seems to not be receptive or penetrating the atmosphere...what are you to do...How long do you stay in the fight??

At this point your down looking at things as whether or not it will be a 'Happily Ever After'(like you originally felt) or just another 'Disaster'(JoJo shoutout)..............

I would like to hear your thoughts and comments about this issue/worries.  What would you do or say, how would you keep things together, or when and why you would just let it go and move on???
